Where is Anne Frank?

Where is Anne Frank?
Where is Anne Frank?

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99 minutes


Animation, Period and Historical, Science Fiction and Fantasy, War




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In the midst of World War Two, Jewish teenager Anne Frank was forced to hide in a secret room in Amsterdam to prevent detection from the Nazis. During this difficult time, she addressed all her diary entries to her imaginary friend Kitty, who readers of Anne’s diary have been fascinated by for decades. This lustrous animation brings Kitty to life in modern day Amsterdam, imagining her as a fiery teenager, determined to discover what happened to her friend. As Kitty wanders the city and is implicated in the stealing of the famous diary from the Anne Frank Museum, she makes friends with a group of refugee teenagers, begins to fall in love, and discovers more about the enduring legacy that Anne left behind despite the fact she was just a normal teenage girl. ‘Where is Anne Frank’ is a vibrant but sincere story that switches between the past and the present to contrast Kitty and Anne’s stories against the current plight facing refugees and immigrants in European cities.


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PG Classification


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