Anne Frank: Parallel Stories

Anne Frank: Parallel Stories
Anne Frank: Parallel Stories

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95 minutes


Documentary, Period and Historical


Dutch / English / Italian (English subtitles)


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As one of World War Two’s most famous figures, Anne Frank represents the struggle and optimism of the young people who fought to survive during World War Two. As the Nazis took control of Europe, 13-year-old Anne and her family were forced to go into hiding when the Hitler’s regime attempted to round up and kill the Jewish population. Taking refuge in a secret room in Amsterdam, Anne wrote a diary detailing her life as a prisoner in her own country, a text which has since been rediscovered and translated into over 70 languages. This documentary, narrated by Helen Mirren, takes passages from Anne’s book and explores how her boundless enthusiasm for life has gone on to inspire generations to come. Alongside Anne’s story, survivors that were around her age during the war recount their own personal histories and hopes for the future. This is an effective and important detailing of one of history’s most boundlessly influential figures.


Cast (in alphabetical order)

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12A Classification

Holocaust images, references to violence

Find out more on the BBFC website

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