Rally Road Racers

Rally Road Racers
Rally Road Racers

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92 minutes






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Zhi, a slow loris with big dreams of being a race car driver, lives with his Granny in the slow loris village where he has never quite found himself fitting in. His Grannie would rather he settled down to learn Tai-chi but when her house suddenly comes under the threat of demolition from the toad Vainglorious (who just so happens to be Zhi’s racing idol), he decides to prove himself and save the day by betting Vainglorious that he can win the famous Silk Road Rally. This four-day race across China is not for the faint of heart and Zhi, with help of former racing champion Gnash the goat, must overcome his fear of taking the lead whilst making sure he gets back in one piece. A family animation that takes you on a vibrant ride across some incredible landscapes, this film also contains themes of family, battling against prejudice and doing what is right.


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U Classification

very mild comic threat, violence, language, rude humour

Find out more on the BBFC website

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