

Film Details




119 minutes


Biopics, Drama




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In April 2013, Jeff Bauman made his way to the finish of the Boston Marathon to cheer his ex-girlfriend as she crossed the line. Tragically, a bomb exploded right next to where he was standing, resulting in the amputation of both of his legs. After regaining consciousness, Jeff provided crucial evidence to the police’s bid to track down the bomber, resulting in him being hailed as a national inspiration. In reality, Jeff was battling with PTSD, and increasingly at odds with members of his family wanting to embrace his celebrity, whereas he would rather recuperate alone. Handling its true story with sensitivity, and devoid of any sentiment or judgement, this is an excellently told account of how Jeff learned to live with his wounds and the psychological turmoil inflicted on him, as well as those closest to him.


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15 Classification

Strong language, gory injury detail.

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