Life, Animated

Life, Animated
Life, Animated

Film Details




92 minutes


Animation, Documentary




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Owen Suskind was a boy who, in his formative years, fell into silence after being diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. Worried about his development, his parents consulted various medical professionals to little avail. However, one day they noticed Owen’s positive and communicative response to a Disney animation. After spotting a pattern, they decided to use these films as tools to help teach him about the real world, in turn allowing him to connect with others in a more meaningful way. In Owen’s teenage years, armed with this understanding, the messages of these films are used to tackle various challenges including romance, friendship and public speaking. Life, Animated is a warm, hopeful film about the power of film and the incredible impact it can have.


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PG Classification

Infrequent mild sex references, language.

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Life, Animated


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