Gender, Sexuality and Trans Inclusion

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Image of Iris Prize resource header




Medium (5-11 activities)

Related calendar events

LGBTQ History Month
1 February - 1 March

This resource, brought to you by Iris Prize and Into Film and suitable for students aged 14 and over, features five short films to discuss gender, sexuality and transgender inclusion. All of the films featured in the resoure are available on our free streaming platform Into Film +. The resource provides a selection of activities which will encourage further discussion of each film's themes through close analysis, filmmaking and writing. In addition to this, the resource provides guidance, links and discussion prompts for students to explore healthy relationships and have respectful conversations about sexuality and identity. A glossary of terms and a guide for reading films is also provided to support the delivery of these activities and the viewing of these films. 

Mae'r adnodd hwn, gan Gwobr Iris ac Into Film yn addas ar gyfer myfyrwyr dros 14 ac yn cynnwys pump ffilm fer sy'n edrych ar rhywedd, rhywioldeb a chynhwysiant trawsrhywedd. Gellir dod o hyd i'r ffilmiau i gyd ar ein system ffrydio Into Film+. Darperir cyfres o weithgareddau sy'n ysgogi trafodaeth am bob themâu bob ffilm wrth ddadansoddi'n graff, gweithgareddau creu ffilm ac ysgrifennu/llythrennedd. Ar ben hyn, mae'r adnodd yn darparu arweiniad ac yn annog myfyrwyr i feddwl am berthnasoedd iach a sut i gael trafodaeth barchus am rhywioldeb a hunaniaeth. Darperir termiadur a chyngor ar ddadansoddi ffilm o fewn yr adnodd. 

About Iris Prize
Iris Prize celebrates amazing LGBT+ film all year round. Over its 15-year history, Iris Prize has become a leading voice in championing LGBT+ short film, and a significant event in the British film festival calendar. Iris has been identified as one of the ‘50 film festivals worth the entry fee' by MovieMaker Magazine 5 times.

Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival takes place in Cardiff, Wales, UK each October. A BAFTA-qualifying festival for British film, Iris prides itself on sharing the very best of LGBT+ filmmaking.

Gwobr Iris
Mae Gwobr Iris yn dathlu ffilmiau LHDTC+ drwy'r flwyddyn. Dros y 15 mlynedd ddiwetha', mae Gwobr Iris wedi arloesi ac arwain ar ran ffilmiau LHDTC+, ac wedi dod yn ddigwyddiad pwysig a blaenllaw yng nghalendr gwyliau ffilm Prydain. Yn wir, mae Gwobr Iris wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth gan lawer, ac wedi bod yn rhestr ‘50 gwyl ffilm sy'n werth y ffi' MovieMaker Magazine bum gwaith.
Cynhelir Gwyl Ffilm Gwobr Iris LHDTC+ yng Nghaerdydd bob Hydref. Mae'r wyl, sy wedi'i chymeradwyro gan BAFTA, yn ymfalchïo yn y ffaith ei bod yn rhoi llwyfan i'r gorau ymysg ffilmiau LHDTC+.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Citizenship
  • Relationships Education
  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • PSHE Education
  • Emotional and Mental health
  • Special Educational Needs

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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What our educators say

"As an alternative provision for learners who are not in mainstream school we use your resources in a slightly different way as they generally find it hard to watch a full length film. They are, however fantastic. "