Film in a Fortnight / Pythefnos o Ffilm

Timm Dadds - Welsh Case Studies
Timm Dadds - Welsh Case Studies



Into Film have produced 3 versions of its popular ‘Film in a Fortnight' resource for Foundation Phase, KS2 and Additional Learning Needs educators. Each resource has been developed with guidance from our Education Ambassadors in Wales and aims to support the introduction of learning through and with film as part of Curriculum for Wales 2022. Each resource includes creative ideas to support the expressive arts, literacy and digital literacy. Into Film Cymru have developed a list of short films that can tie into a number of diffferent topics and themes. For more information or advice please get in touch

Mae Into Film wedi cynhyrchu 3 fersiwn o'r adnodd poblogaidd ‘Pythefnos o Ffilm' ar gyfer addysgwyr Cyfnod Sylfaen, CA2 ac Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol. Datblygwyd pob adnodd mewn cydweithrediad a'n Llysgenhadon Addysg o ysgolion o ar draws Cymru ac anelir i'r adnodd gefnogi cyflwyno dysgu drwy ac am ffilm fel rhan o Cwricwlwm i Gymru 2022. Darperir syniadau creadigol er mwyn dysgu'r celfyddydau mynegiannol, llythrennedd a llythrennedd digidol. Mae Into Film Cymru wedi datblygu rhestr o ffilmiau byr ar gyfer themau addysgiadol gwahanol. Mae croeso mawr i chi gysylltu gyda ni i drafod eich themau neu'ch syniadau chi.

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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How do Into Film Clubs work?

Find out more about what's involved in running your very own Into Film Club.

Into Film CPD Training (Bolton)


Learn how to make the most of film in education with our training programme.

What our educators say

"Our SATs results this year were great, both progress and attainment in reading and writing have improved compared with last year, which we feel has been largely as a result of integrating the Into Film strategies."