Wales on film KS3/4 Cymru ar ffilm CA3/4

Still from Pride
Still from Pride


All ages


Medium (5-11 activities)



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Wales has a long and rich film history. This resource showcases and celebrates the breadth of film created in Wales or featuring Welsh talent, as well as supporting teachers in engaging with film as a core learning tool. The activities are designed to fit the National Curriculum for Wales and to encourage educators and young people to explore Wales through film, focusing specifically on three central Welsh themes: Landscape, Myth, Legend and Nature, and Culture and Heritage. From classic cinema through to modern day representations of Wales on film, the resource explores Welsh history, language, industry, culture and society.

How to use this resource

The resource features questions and activities based around each film, as well as thematic activities that explore aspects of Landscape, Myth, Legend and Nature, Culture and Heritage. In addition, the resources use clips provided in the accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Activities create engagement with film through watching, discussing, analysing and filmmaking.

Also available to download from below, Wales on Film Secondary in Welsh language format.

Cymru ar Ffilm Uwchradd

Mae gan Gymru hanes ffilm hir a chyfoethog. Mae'r adnodd hwn yn arddangos ac yn dathlu ehangder ffilm a grëwyd yng Nghymru neu sy'n cynnwys talent o Gymru, yn ogystal ag cefnogi athrawon o ran ymgysylltu â ffilm fel arf dysgu craidd. Mae'r gweithgareddau wedi eu cynllunio i gyd-fynd â'r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru ac i annog addysgwyr a phobl ifanc i archwilio Cymru drwy ffilm, gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar dair thema Cymraeg canolog: Tirwedd, Chwedlau a Natur, a Diwylliant a Threftadaeth. O sinema glasurol trwy i gynrychioliadau gyfoes o Gymru ar ffilm, mae'r adnodd yn archwilio hanes, iaith, diwydiant, diwylliant a chymdeithas Cymru.

Sut i ddefnyddio'r adnodd hwn

Mae'r adnodd yn cynnwys cwestiynau a gweithgareddau yn seiliedig o amgylch pob ffilm, yn ogystal â gweithgareddau thematig sy'n archwilio agweddau ar Dirwedd, Chwedlau a Natur, Diwylliant a Threftadaeth. Yn ogystal, mae'r adnoddau yn defnyddio clipiau a ddarperir yn y cyflwyniad PowerPoint. Mae'r gweithgareddau yn ymgysylltu â ffilm drwy wylio, trafod, dadansoddi a gwneud ffilmiau.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Film Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Welsh
  • Media Studies
  • Music

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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What our educators say

"The wide range of resources on the Into Film website are so easy to access and adapt for a range of curriculum areas and age ranges. They are all carefully planned and designed with the pressures of teaching in mind."