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Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship

Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship
Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship

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44 minutes






In July 1860, fifty years after importing slaves from Africa had been outlawed, a wealthy businessman named Timothy Meaher made a bet that he could secretly smuggle a boat full of African men and women into Mobile, Alabama to be exploited. Successfully bringing the slaves into the state and transferring them to a riverboat, the captain then attempted to burn and scuttle the ship to hide the evidence of their illegal activity. However, over 150 years later, this documentary covers the discovery and excavation of the Clotilda, which is now believed to be the last ever slave ship to bring captives from Africa to the United States. As well as exploring the technology used to safely inspect the historical finding, the film also evaluates the lives of the men, women and children who were transported on the ship, many of whom have ancestors that still live nearby where the shipwreck was found. An important geographical, historical and human document that the impact of slavery can have for generations into the future. 


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Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship


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