Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
91 minutes
English / German / Mandarin
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It’s always the tiniest life forms that seem to be the most important. This hugely informative documentary explores the ways in which the global bee population is being threatened by human activity. The film makes it clear that the world’s bee colonies are essential to the common good. Featuring fascinating close-up footage of bees and bee colonies in action and a range of interviews with people whose lives are tightly connected with these buzzing insects, this film might just inspire you to spread the word that we need to change our attitude to bees and show them quite a bit more care and understanding.
E means that the film's distributor believes the film to be 'exempt' from a BBFC age rating. E certificate films are often designed to inform, educate or instruct.
Find out more on the BBFC website
From beautifully unfurling blossoms to killer vines and aphid attacks, this pioneering collection is a window onto a golden age of nature documentary.
Poignant and entertaining nature documentary about a year in the life of planet Earth with narration from Patrick Stewart.
Stream on Into Film+ Premium
An ambitious bee becomes friends with a woman and is shocked to learn that humans have been stealing and eating honey for centuries.
Thought-provoking assessment on the causes and symptoms of climate change from former US presidential candidate Al Gore.
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