Our partners

The vital support of our Partners has helped make Into Film Festival the world's largest free annual film festival.

Major partners

The vital support of our Funding Partners has helped make Into Film Festival the world's largest free annual film festival for young people. We'd like to thank the following organisations for partnering with us on the Into Film Festival 2024.

Cinema First logo

Cinema First

Cinema First, an industry body that represents exhibitors and distributors, are dedicated to increasing cinema admissions profitably in the UK. They are working with Into Film to deliver a major audience development programme.

More Festival Partners

Our Delivery Partners are fundamental to the success of our UK-wide Festival. We'd like to thank the following organisation for partnering with us on the Into Film Festival 2024.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to the following multisite operators who have provided their venues free of charge for the Into Film Festival 2024. The participation of over a hundred independent venues is crucial in reaching the widest audience possible and bringing young people into a variety of cinema settings. 

Our content delivery and mastering facility partners play the crucial role of delivering the Festival films to hundreds of venues across the UK.We'd like to thank the following organisations for partnering with us on the Into Film Festival 2024.

Our Accessibility Partners play a key role in helping to make the Into Film Festival accessible to every young person, aged 5-19, across the UK, regardless of background, ability, or location. We'd like to thank the following organisations for partnering with us on the Into Film Festival 2024.

Our Communications Partners play a key role in helping to promote the message and opportunities of the Into Film Festival to the education sector and beyond. We'd like to thank the following organisations for partnering with us on the Into Film Festival 2024.